MedAssist is a professional medical information and reference system that includes protocols for diagnosis and treatment of diseases, a directory of registered medicines, a form of medicines (with proven effectiveness and acceptable level of safety), an international ATS-classifier, an international classification of diseases (ICD-10 ), norms of basic laboratory analyzes and functional indicators, medical news and articles from leading experts, as well as the possibility of finding the nearest a pteki with a suitable price, its address, mode of operation, phone and location on the map.
For doctors, "Tests" are offered to prepare for exams in the category.
The application implemented "Voice Search".
The program uses official documents (data) of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. MedAssist is implemented in Ukrainian.
The program is designed for professionals - doctors, pharmacists, students of medical universities - and a wide range of consumers.
IMPORTANT: reference information is provided for preliminary familiarization with the effect of the drug. Before using any medication, consult your doctor.